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Marketing resource management software explained

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What is marketing resource management?

What is marketing resource management?

Today’s world is a marketer’s world. Customers can be reached by virtually any medium a marketer puts their mind to. But with so many channels and tactics at one’s disposal, the list of marketing “to do’s” is much longer than it used to be. Marketing Resource Management ( MRM) platforms assist marketers in organizing and planning their long list of marketing initiatives and tasks. It’s technology that simplifies the management of otherwise complicated marketing processes, such as plans, budgets, tasks, ideation, creation, and assets. MRM software empowers organizations to: Orchestrate the strategic and financial planning of marketing initiatives. Create and organize marketing assets associated with those initiatives. Distribute marketing assets both internally and externally.

Similar terms and softwares

Marketing Resource Management falls under the umbrella of Enterprise Marketing Management (EMM), which can be defined as any software that provides integrated marketing processes across all of an organization’s marketing channels and operations. While there’s no one, agreed-upon definition as to what an Enterprise Marketing Management software is (definitions can slightly vary), it’s widely accepted that EMMs encompass the following three categories of software:

Marketing Resource Management (MRM): Defined above. Digital Asset Management (DAM): Software used to organize, store, and retrieve digital assets. Some MRM softwares offer a lite DAM, but this is not as scalable or robust as an enterprise solution. DAMs are also closely related to Marketing Asset Management softwares (MAMs), which have traditionally been the best option for storage of video and audio files.
Marketing Campaign Management (MCM): Software that assists with the planning, distributing, and measuring of marketing campaigns.


An evolving category

While all three softwares commonly overlap, it’s important to differentiate the core capabilities of each to better understand which solution is the best fit for your organization. It’s also important to understand that today’s definition of MRM software is a constantly evolving one as new technology emerges. Marketing automation tools allowing for advanced personalization, not to mention the ever-growing list of marketing channels and collateral types, are just a few examples of MRM’s need for fluidity.

What most MRM platforms are missing

What most MRM platforms are missing

The traditional definition of MRM software allows for all the right parts of the marketing machine to be in place, but doesn’t always account for the speed at which those parts are moving or the quality of the end product. The ideal Marketing Resource Management system should also include:


User-friendly interface

One of the biggest draws of using an MRM is that anyone in an organization should be able to easily enhance their marketing efforts through the use of an intuitive UI. Many MRMs, however, require extensive onboarding and tech-savviness to be used effectively.



An MRM should not only help coordinate marketing efforts, but speed them up too. Process-speeding features (such as approval processes and cloud-based collaboration) accelerate the coordination between teams by eliminating much of the back and forth.


Order approval

Ensure marketing materials are properly designed and brand-compliant before they can be sent to the printer. Toggle this feature on and off based on need.



The most effective platforms are the ones that connect with core competencies outside their own. An MRM platform that can integrate with your legacy systems, printers, or custom distribution tools is invaluable in helping you manage your big-picture marketing.


Brand management

Aligning marketing processes is good but it’s not great if your brand isn’t protected in the end. A proper MRM should also ensure your brand assets stay protected and consistent from beginning to end.



MRM software should also easily scale with your team or organization’s size. Cloud-based collaboration, sharing, and approvals improve your team’s communication as they work on projects or assets at the same time without stepping on each other’s toes.

Are MRMs worth the investment?

MRM solutions for large enterprises

Small business solution

Store brand assets
Create beautiful content
Share content digitally or physically

Are MRMs worth the investment?

Marq’s Marketing Portal enables your small business to:

Store brand assets — When a full-blown Digital Asset Management system isn’t necessary, you can store and manage your logos, images, fonts, and more in the Marq Brand Asset Manager for easy access.

Create beautiful content — Anyone in your organization can access brand assets to create and distribute professional, on-brand content. Marq’s drag-and-drop editor makes it easy for even the least tech-savvy to master content creation.

Share content digitally or physically — Marq makes it easy for anyone to share their content either online or on paper. Options for publishing to the web, saving as a PDF, posting on social media, direct mail, or even just printing and shipping to their own door are all options with Marq’s distribution services.

MRM solutions for franchises, partner marketing

Multi-location or multi-partner business solution

Brand portal
Brand-locking capabilities
Intuitive interface
Simple distribution

"[Marq] makes it easy for people to create their own content without having to impact my department too much. They get what they need without us having to worry about them going off brand."

— Beth Hayes

Head of Marketing
University of Gloucestershire

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