MHA’s various communities were all using their own marketing tactics until a simple Google search for “newsletter template” led their Marketing Specialist to finally find the unifying solution.

Industry: Non-profit
Location: Derby, England

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MHA is a charity providing care, accommodation, and support services for more than 16,000 seniors throughout Britain.

Features they love

Advanced Template Locking

Official templates can be customized without sacrificing brand consistency.

Seamless collaboration

The organization can work seamlessly with its local homes, getting more done in less time.

Ease of use

The interface is intuitive and easy for local schemes to add/modify content.


Homes can produce both regular and large print newsletters for seniors with poor eyesight.



For almost 70 years, most of MHA's homes and communities (called "schemes") operated autonomously — using their own messaging, mediums, and marketing tactics. That's why Kwan Cheung, MHA'S Community Marketing Specialist, knew the organization would need a solution that could somehow unify independent messaging that had been so deeply ingrained over such a long period of time.



Kwan found Marq with a simple Google search for "newsletter template". A few things immediately stood out. Cloud-based solution? Check. Low learning curve? Check. Brand protecting features? Check. Kwan wanted something that managers, not just designers, could easily use. Looking professional was a requirement, and he also wanted something that wouldn't require a change in hardware for any of the schemes.



Brand consistency

With Marq and template locking, the newsletters from each scheme all have a consistent look and feel, and important messaging from both MHA and the local scheme gets out to all readers.

Increased sense of community

Loneliness is a real issue for senior citizens supported by the MHA, and the increased, more-polished communication with their scheme, and MHA overall, helps them with a feeling of engagement that had been lacking.

Marketing efficiency

Local schemes don’t have to strain themselves with design work they aren’t equipped for, and designers at the corporate level don’t have to worry about making mundane layout changes for each local scheme.

Start building on-brand

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